• Room 326

    Instructor: Mrs. Dykens

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  • Math & Reading Books Online!

    Our Go Math and Story Town books are now available for you to view online. You can even print out your homework sheet in case you forget your homework in school! Here are the steps to view our Go Math! book online:
    Go to www-k6.thinkcentral.com Choose Massachusetts, Winthrop Public School District, and Arthur T. Cummings School at the top Enter your username and password Click on my library

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  • 21 Things You Can Do to Help Your Children Succeed in School

    21 Things You Can Do to Help Your Children Succeed in School At Home: Ask about your children’s homework-what it is-when it’s due-and check to make sure they do it. Provide a quiet place-with good light and away from distractions-for your children to do homework. Make sure your children get a good night’s sleep each night and eat a healthy, substantial breakfast each morning. Talk to your …

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  • Day 1: Art

    Day 2: Music

    Day 3: Physical Education

    Day 4: Computers

    Day 5: Art

    Day 6: Physical Education