Course Descriptions for Winthrop High School's
English Language Development (ELD) Program / ESL Courses
Winthrop High School offers a comprehensive English Language Development program for students whose first language is not English. Established procedures in accordance with Department of Elementary and Secondary Education guidelines to identify students who may be MLs and FELs are followed. A student’s English proficiency level is screened when the answer to any of the questions on the Home Language Survey (HLS) is a language other than English. A screening test is not necessary for students who come from another Massachusetts district or another WIDA state if the district is able to obtain ACCESS results from the test that was administered within the last calendar year. Thereby, a ML student’s placement in ESL classes is contingent upon the state's required W.I.D.A. assessments (the ACCESS 2.0 Test / W.I.D.A. Screening Tool), which provides the baseline data for counselors and ELD staff. Information provided through this process is used to determine the correct placement of the student in an ESL class best suited to the student’s individual linguistic proficiency level and English language development needs. Students are re-assessed annually per state requirement in order to determine their progress towards proficiency in the English Language and future placement in ESL classes.
English Language Learners (ELL) Course
This course is designed for newcomer ML students with linguistic proficiency levels 1 (Entering) and 2 (Emerging) as determined by state assessment. This course focuses on basic grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Acquisition of basic grammar is taught through a systematic English language development approach, emphasizing student verbal production. Student progress is measured and assessed in a variety of ways, including oral, written, and project-based assignments, as well as quizzes and exams.
Length of Class: Year
Prerequisite: None, Placement Determined by W.I.D.A. Assessment
Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11,12; Credit: 5 CP
ESL I Course
This course continues the development of grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading and writing skills through the use of systematic English language development. It is recommended for students who are in the high 2 (Emerging) and low 3 (Developing) levels as determined by state assessment. Contextualized reading and writing activities are designed to help students develop literacy skills using language that is practiced orally, and encourages vocabulary development. In this course, students begin to use language in a wider range of contexts and situations. Student progress is measured and assessed in a variety of ways, including oral, written, and project-based assignments, as well as quizzes and exams. Students in the 2-range may take this class concurrently with the ELL class.
Length of Class: Year Prerequisite None, Placement Determined by W.I.D.A. Assessment
Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12; Credit: 5 CP
ESL II Course
This course is designed to improve English language skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening and comprehension for EL students who are level 3 (Developing) to low level 4 (Expanding) ranges. Language forms and functions will be used to guide students’ development of essential language skills, and vocabulary development. The focus of the course is to improve students’ English language skills by actively engaging in a variety of participation-centered tasks. Some of which include working together as a whole class, in small groups and independently. Student progress is measured and assessed in a variety of ways, including oral, written, and project-based assignments, as well as quizzes and exams.
Length of Class: Year Prerequisite: None, Placement Determined by W.I.D.A. Assessment
Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11,12; Credit: 5 CP